Monday, August 7, 2017

An article that allows you to understand all kinds of decoration style!

Many of the early decoration easily puzzled, that is exactly what should be the choice of the style of the decoration will not regret in the future? Want to determine the decoration style, first you have to follow the small make up, look at all kinds of decoration style and its characteristics, after reading, I believe you can find the right one for you.

1. modern minimalist style

The modern style decoration features: composed of curves and asymmetric lines, such as stems, buds, vines, and the nature of the beautiful, insect wings undulate form pattern, reflected in the walls, railings, window frames and furniture decoration. Some soft elegant lines, some emotion and full of rhythm, the three-dimensional form with the rhythmic blend curve, everything in good order and well arranged. A large number of use of iron components, glass, tiles and other new processes, as well as iron products, ceramic products, such as integrated into the interior. Pay attention to indoor and outdoor communication, and try hard to introduce new ideas to interior decoration art.

2. tranquil pastoral style

European style garden: focusing on the nature of the performance, but different fields have different nature, which is derived from a variety of furniture style, Chinese style, European style, and even the South pastoral, each have their own characteristics, each of the beautiful. Mainly in English and French, two pastoral style.

3. new Chinese style decoration

Chinese style is relatively free, decorations can be green plants, cloth art, decorative paintings, as well as different styles of lighting, etc.. These decorations can have a variety of styles, but the space in the main decoration or Chinese painting, pottery and other traditional lanterns and decorations. The number of these decorations is not much, but it can play an important role in space.

4. European classical style

European style mainly refers to Western classical style. This style emphasizes the ornate decoration, strong colors, exquisite shape to elegant decorative effect.

5. Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean style has unique aesthetic features. Generally choose the soft natural colors, in combination with the design of that space collocation, make full use of every inch of space, one set of decorative and applied in combination, avoid trivial collocation, it is generous, natural, exudes ancient distinguished atmosphere and cultural taste.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Practical Decoration Style, Which One Do You Like?

Wall painting series

Plant series

                                                               Wooden series

Refreshing series

                                                             Warm series

                                                          Pink series

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lantern tips

When installing lamps, if you put on the switch, you can save a lot of trouble. Because if there is only one switch, a few lights with open closed, you can not choose the brightness of light, will be a waste of energy, and mounted on the control switch can at any time according to need to choose a few lights. If there is an aisle at the entrance of the house, it is better to install a switch at the end of the corridor so that the power can be turned off directly after entering the door, and no need to go back to the door to turn off the light.

These are some of the lighting decoration suggestions and insights, I hope we can decorate their own style, of course, we can not lose our unique temperament.
The lamp with modern style, placed a Chinese screen and two Antique chairs, such collocation make lively up the whole room, cause to recover ancient ask this feeling faint in ancient china.

Television wall shape concise modern, but prominently decorated with Chinese calligraphy, this wonderful combination of a strong visual power, become the fashion and classic feminine combination.

In the foyer and hallway ceiling to distinguish between different functional areas, at the same time to Chinese style and Chinese clothing mirror wall decoration accessories slightly, can enhance the sense of space and transparency, but also the entire space to form an organic whole, give a person a kind of both uniform and exquisite visual beauty.

The Chinese restaurant in the wine rack with a partly hidden and partly visible aristocratic temperament, complex designs and exquisite jewelry Xiangyingchengqu, coupled with historic furnishings, quaint charm rich immediately Pumianerlai, long aftertaste.

In order to add some warmth to the room, the side walls painted orange, and then decorated with modern lamps exquisite and elegant style of the paintings, so that the whole room infiltration of many modern flavor in the thick of ancient china.

Reasonable collocation lamps and lanterns, avoid misunderstanding

In the home decoration, the match of lamps and lanterns is reasonable or not. It is not only related to the cost of decoration, but also closely related to the health of the owners. Just moved into decorating a new home, the splendid lighting is pleasing to the eye, but staying in it for a long time may make you feel dizzy and often uncomfortable. In fact, this is the use of lamps collocation errors.

Misunderstanding 1 lights Criss Cross

The use of lamp belts at home can make the space more layered, and can increase lighting, space division, and enhance decoration and so on. However, some owners in order to foil a better atmosphere, the family designed too many lights, in fact, this is sometimes not appropriate. Because the general home space is not spacious, the floor height is generally relatively low. If the lights are too many settings, coupled with space division is not considered, the criss cross of the band may give people a messy space, the hierarchy is not clear feeling. And the use of excessive band will also increase power consumption, so the home decoration should not use too many lights for decoration.

Recommendations: home decoration in the light to the local decoration for the better, must be carefully planned before installation, in order to play a better effect. For example, can be installed in the living room ceiling, back to the shape of the band, can play a good decorative effect. And television background wall, sofa, background wall and other places, you can not install the band. The best choice of color lamp with beige, orange and other warm, can create a warm atmosphere, from the visual to give people more comfortable feeling.

Error 2 bedroom lamps and lanterns are numerous

Bedroom lighting reasonable collocation can foil a warm atmosphere, but the number is not The more, the better. lighting. Some owners in the bedroom set up chandeliers, spotlights, floor lamps and other complex lamps and lanterns. This is also one of the mistakes in using lamps. Bedroom is the master's private space, is used to live, rather than used to see, usually only the owners often enter. Therefore, the bedroom lights match the most important to create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, rather than just decorative. Bedroom too much use of lamps and lanterns, all kinds of lights together, may also cause light pollution, affecting the health of the master.

Recommendations: bedroom is mainly used for sleep and sleep space, whether in modeling, color, space design, should be bland and warm as well. Bedroom lights should not be disorganized, so as not to affect the rest. Generally speaking, the bedroom ceiling with flat top, you can not set a lamp, downlight, ceiling lamp is usually enough. You can set the one or two lamps or the bedside lamp on the bed, in order to meet the reading needs. The bedside lamp light should be soft, to ensure that the book has enough brightness, but also to facilitate the switch settings.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What Do You Regret Most About Decorating Your Home?

What Do You Regret Most About Decorating Your Home?

1, do not buy the house near the square, jump the square dance of those aunt who, every night to half past ten to ease the mood, second days early in the morning, five, and began broadcasting gymnastics ah... The wind fog is unimpeded, the two-day weekend is unimpeded. The depression is early every night every single cycle ah, when I occasionally then jump back to the most unusual folk style also ah, I now have a month didn't buy apples to eat.

 2, don't buy the top of the house, and that summer and winter are annoying, the wind and rain water also bear the brunt of no electricity even, it is also special in the leaking of wood with ah! The builder of the true conscience! Curse your home leaking rain snow hail hail from leakage of snow, wind in the wind!!!

3, do not buy no property without the gate house, as long as it is not pushed to the basement, the lost bike bicycle, electric vehicle electric vehicle lost, occasionally lost basking in the quilt ah, you don't suspect my quilt parasites, you have to take care not to hold the quilt on the can't sleep feel my mood ah.

 4, the bathroom kitchen must be installed to prevent floor drain device, brush to wash to nausea, vomiting, I rely on, this shampoo smells like Head and Shoulders upstairs like PANTENE.

5, do not buy downtown houses, if you have spare money, you can buy down to rent someone else, an average of five minutes a car horn, neurasthenia is so tempered.

 6, the socket must be planned properly, don't get too short nor too little, the furniture inside the room, the furniture is not the socket is blocked in the bed. The effort is not said, careful not to make a it is not cost-effective.

7, must install solar hot water or treasure ah, a bathroom, a kitchen should also have ah, winter, cold water prick, don't wash the dishes, wash the dishes no mood.

8, sound insulation doors and windows, I would rather not eat snacks for six months, do not buy clothes, do not go shopping, I would like to transform my bedroom doors and windows into a soundproof version. The old family sleep time is short, often watch TV, see the midnight, I want to be sleepy, as long as the TV sound is heard on the bed, roll, turn the side, think of hitting people, I can lie?.

How To Choose Lighting

There are many activities in the living room, which are the focus of the family. They mainly include visiting guests, chatting, listening to music, watching TV and reading, etc. for this reason, the lighting patterns should be varied.

Friends and family gather to see the guest's expression, and generally use top lighting. If the indoor height is relatively short (about 2.6 meters), recommend the best selection of ceiling lamps, or glass lampshade dewaxing accessories, if the room is tall, the best choice of chandeliers; listening to music, watching TV, the soft effect is better, recommend the use of floor lamp and desk lamp for local lighting, the TV behind the placement of a lamp or the lamp in the rear of the light projection TV, in order to reduce visual brightness contrast; enjoy the pleasure of reading, can provide centralized, soft light and easy to adjust the height and angle of the lamp or lamps, is a good choice; a variety of guest Hall paintings, bonsai, sculpture and art collection with halogen light source or light rail quartz lamp centralized lighting, in order to emphasize the details and points of interest, highlight the taste and individuality.

With the material requirements of the improvement of the living standard, people are increasingly high, take the crystal lamp, not only exquisite beauty and style collocation and Home Furnishing perfect, so the living room mostly choose to crystal lamp

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Do You Like This Style Of Decoration?




Tuesday, July 11, 2017

How to choose lamps

This is to be purchased on demand. Generally speaking, the living room selects the grave, the bright droplight or the ceiling lamp is suitable. If the room is higher, suitable for incandescent lamp or a larger circular chandelier, so that the living room is transparent, but it all down with a light chandelier, and make the upper space also has a certain brightness, to narrow down the space difference of brightness. If the room is lower, you can use the ceiling lamp and floor lamp, so that the living room will be bright and generous, with a sense of the times. The shape and color of the lamp should be coordinated with the furniture and furnishings in the living room.

Study lighting should be bright, soft as the principle, the choice of incandescent bulb desk lamp is more appropriate.

Desk lamps should be adapted to the nature of the work and learning needs, it is appropriate to use reflective cover, the lower part of the opening of the direct table lamp, that is, work desk lamp or writing desk lamp, table lamp light source, commonly used incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp. The bookcase can be installed in a small lamp, the lighting can not only help identify the title, also can keep the temperature, to prevent the books wet rot.

In the bedroom to several lamps, ceiling lamps, table lamps, floor lamps, bedside lamps, should be adjusted, mixed use, to create a warm atmosphere. Wall lamp and floor lamp can be used instead of indoor ceiling lamp. Diffuse material chimney wall should be low surface brightness, so that the bedroom is light and soft, conducive to rest; also can be in the room place put a hanging lamp, bed is provided with a lamp, which Jizhandeng to control respectively.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

What are the lighting categories?

According to the style for the modern style and classical style, now popular a new term called: Postmodern. A new style evolved from modern style. Modern is strong, but before the modern and are essentially different.

According to the global region: there are mainly Chinese style, European style (Nordic and Western Europe), Canadian style, Middle Eastern style, Korean style. Distinguish between different styles, you need to understand and feel.

According to the types of lamps to distinguish: chandelier (full crane and a crane), floor lamp, ceiling lamp, desk lamp, wall lamp, ceiling lamp and lamp which belongs to the field of commercial lighting. But also has a certain decorative and ornamental, this will also be divided into lighting.

According to the scene. Indoor and outdoor two. The above said for interior decorative lighting. Outdoor, such as street lights, landscape lights and so on
Material: crystal, glass, marble, copper, zinc alloy, stainless steel, acrylic (plastic and plastic) it is said by the subject. In the design of material when making these materials are common.

We should choose the lamps according to their actual needs and personal preferences. For example, you pay attention to the style of light utility, they should pick a black, dark red, dark ceiling lamps or a floor lamp, if pay attention to the decoration and the pursuit of modern style, it can choose lively lights. If it is like national lamps other features, you can choose sculpture lamp.

Secondly, the color of the lamp should be in harmony with the environment. Home Furnishing decoration style bedroom lights must consider the room style furniture, wall color, the color of home appliances, lighting or overall tone to the living room is not the same, it will be self defeating. For indoor wallpaper is the color of the light coloured, it should be to Nuanshaidiao the incandescent lamp as the light source, so you can create a bright soft light environment.

Finally, according to the size of the indoor lighting area, the number and size of the corresponding furniture configuration. Such as 12 square meters below the small living room should adopt the ceiling or wall, below 200 mm diameter for the number of lamps, the size should be appropriate, so as not to appear too crowded. 15 square meters in the living room, should be used the ceiling lamp diameter of about 300 mm or more fork floral chandeliers, lamps of the largest diameter shall not exceed 400 mm. The hang mural on both sides of the lamp or wall lamp with foil, the effect will be better.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Do you like the room and the lamp with design?

Simple white

A living room with a portrait of Kate Moss

wooden kitchen

High roof room

Thursday, June 29, 2017

How To Choose Home Lighting?

1, determine the principles of cloth light style
This is the first thing to consider Home Furnishing lighting collocation, often because of age, occupation, and preferences are different, the love of the Home Furnishing lighting style is completely different, so how to collocation lighting, or from the reality, collocation will be more perfect according to their own preferences and style of home.

1) choose professionally
You know, people of different professions like different lamps, such as people in the design, they need lighting set diversity, white-collar gens, need a desk lamp, easy to work, and floor lamp helps to read.

2) interest in determining the choice of lighting
The different interests of the people, love the Home Furnishing lighting is different, people like me and some love, if love fish music entertainment, can consider some colorful lamps some, this is atmosphere.

3) age, sleep, etc
People of different ages, for Home Furnishing lighting choices is not the same as the old, some of the best choice for simple, middle-aged people can choose collocation are concise, young people can try some of the more creative, and children can choose some of the colors.

2, decorative lighting considerations

1) decorative
In the match home lighting, we can from the ornamental considerations, lamps and lanterns of beautiful material, unique style, color more novel and beautiful.
How to choose lighting in different spaces?

2) coordination
In addition to decoration, coordination in Home Furnishing lighting collocation to consider lighting should be carefully designed, coordination and room decoration, facilities and furnishings, lamps and other material furniture type material consistency, can reflect master of artistic conception.

3) highlight individuality
The color of light source creates a kind of atmosphere according to people's needs, such as warm and steady, An Shi, quiet, peaceful and so on. Highlight the owners of the special requirements of lighting, reflecting a different personality.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What's The Light For The Living Room?

The living room is the core area of the whole home space, and the family members, visiting relatives and friends are also places for personal leisure and relaxation. They are talking, drinking tea, reading books and watching tv...... Living room is to reflect the space of home culture: art, wall hanging, exquisite tea table, good quality sofa...... All this requires different lighting fixtures and ways to set off.

If you want to create a common European classical style is showily, mainly to European Iron Chandelier in the living room, the appearance of space for you can also add a gorgeous; if love simple modern style, the basic lighting part can be embedded downlight, to look smooth and flawless smallpox. Receive a visitor area to put brief type floor lamp, use warm color light source, appear inside small space to show warmth, enthusiastic receive a meeting to discuss atmosphere.

Lighting scheme

Installation: ceiling lights, TV wall in the TV wall ceiling lamp, fluorescent lamp or hidden in the TV wall, creating TV wall silhouette effect, can make the eyes comfortable and relieve fatigue.

Sofa area: put a floor lamp next to sofa, or match desk lamp, can create warm atmosphere, emphasize the enthusiasm that receive a visitor, negotiate, also facilitate family member to read or rest.

Main light: it is the illumination of the whole living room. Choose more chandelier or ceiling lamp for diffuse lighting. Fluorescent light from a ceiling can also be used to reflect illumination. Duplex, the thermocline has high space for the living room, suitable for the installation of chandeliers, emphasizing the decorative role of lamps. The ordinary flat living room is about 3 meters high, and the ceiling lamp and ceiling lamp can be used, but the height is below 2.5 meters. It is better to use the ceiling lamp to avoid the pressure from the lamp.

Local decoration: in the living room there are painting, sculpture and other decorative areas, the use of spotlights and other local lighting, highlighting the living room of the sense of space and artistic taste.

Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Choose Living Room Lighting

Living room lighting style is the host's identity, status and accomplishment of a symbol and performance. Therefore, the living room lighting focuses on creating an atmosphere, should choose strong art lamps, and architectural structure and interior layout in harmony, outline the wonderful light environment. Authorities believe that the living room lighting options are the following.

Chandelier decorative lighting
This is a large chandelier as the center of the lighting. Chandelier is characterized by eye-catching, so the style of chandeliers directly affect the whole living room style. With metal decoration, glass decoration magnificent European style chandeliers, wooden lanterns and lamps China Japan and rich flavor, with different color glass chandelier synthesis beautiful generous, give a person with a bead curtain lamp excited, dazzling, gorgeous feeling, with a soft cloth made of silk, floating lamp chandelier elegant and pleasant soft and warm.
Chandelier, especially large chandelier, on the living room floor height and area have corresponding requirements, the choice must be in accordance with local conditions.

Ceiling lamp decorative lighting
This lighting applies to a very low living room or a multipurpose room with a reception function. The living room area of 10 square meters, should be the combination of lamps or more decorative lamp ceiling lamps with single lamp ceiling lamps Quan more than 10 square meters. The optional ceiling lamp must have a translucent bright side so that the ceiling is too dark. But also note that the bright side is not fully transparent, otherwise it will destroy the overall lighting effect.

Track type spot lighting
This is a typical modern lighting with no master lights and no established patterns, which can create an atmosphere of interior lighting. Install the track system on the top of the living room or on the wall, so that the mini type light spot can irradiate to every angle autonomously. If you combine a series of small spotlights, the light can produce wonderful patterns. Because the small spot light can change the angle freely, the effect of the combination lighting is also ever-changing.

Light eaves art lighting
Light canopy lighting is a concealed lighting, it will be lighting and building structure closely together, the two main forms: one is the use of parallel to the wall covered with opaque cornice walls will be light, light, light to bring dramatic effect to wall panels, curtains and wall; two is to make the cornice. The lights down from the ceiling to the ceiling to produce reflection, floating effect, the formation of hazy feeling, the atmosphere is more charming.

Light eaves lighting should be coordinated with other methods, such as with the chandelier, wall lamp or ceiling lamp matching, the effect will be better.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Lightess Solar LED

Lightess  String Lights for Christmas Tree Outdoor Decoration  LED 

This wonderful string light illuminates during night, ideal for decorating your gardens, patio, lawn, porch, gate, yard, etc.Super long working time, it can continuously work more than 9 hours at night if the panel absorbs enough sunshine during day.

Waterproof, suitable for indoor and outdoor use.Solar powered panel is stood by a 7.9 inches garden spike. With ON/OFF, MODE switches.With 2 switch, one is Mode (Flashing mode convert switch), another is Power On/Off (After switch turned on, can automatic light control and charging).

Introduce Some Beautiful lights

Hanging clear glass Pendant Shade, great combination of Modern and Industrial style will be a perfect decoration for your houseMeasures 8.3" diameter, 11.8" height, weight 3.5 lbsEasy Installation

 include canopy, black cord with metal base cap, a fixtureVoltage:110-240V For North America. E26 Base, Bulb NOT Included. 

Bulb Type Available Include: LED, Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent LightThis pendant light is perfect for living room, kitchen, bedroom, study room, dinning room, bar, coffer or restaurant. Make a classical ambience in any space.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Vintage Light Lamp

Lightess Vintage Multi Barn Loft Cord Pendant Light Lamp with 7 Lights

This hanging ceiling pendant is fully dimmable, allowing you to customize lighting ambiance and mood.Ceiling Canopy Diameter: 7.87inch. Light Cable Length: 47inch; Cord is adjustable, allowing you to customize the fixture to your lighting needs and desired look.


Voltage: 110V. Power: Max. 40W X 7, E26 base( bulbs not included). Bulb Type Available Include: LED, Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent Light.

Material: Iron. Style: Retro, Antique, Vintage.Includes all mounting hardware for quick and easy installation.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Lightess Music Stand Light

Lightess Music Stand Light

Racer back tank top

Balenciaga black sneaker
$605 -

Clip on lamp



Pinterest (clipped to

Lightess Bathroom Vanity Lights

Lightess  Fixtures Crystal Led Bath Vanity Wall Sconces Lighting Modern Mirror Front Light, 12W

Free Cover Bezel to fit the America electrial box available, please check the product promotion below to add both to cart then get the free cover.  Safety to use in bathroom with splash proof driver. After turn it on, Sparkling Transparent Crystal makes your house more unique. Long service life with LED SMD. (CAN NOT replaced the LED SMD.)Energy saving, low power consumption. Stainless steel body with plating surface, durable and shining all the time.Suitable for bathroom, dressing table, mirror cabinets, etcEye protection and environmentally friendly, no mercury, lead, UV or thermal radiation.

Lightess Crystal Bathroom Vanity Lights Fixtures Led Bath Vanity Wall Sconces Make Up Mirror Front Light Lighting, 10W Cool White

Free Cover Bezel to fit the America electrial box available, please check the product promotion below to add both to cart then get the free cover. Measures approx. Will need to add cover bezel (free and included) by yourself if you need to install it to the standard American electronic Cool White Clear Crystal Mirror Front Lamp AC90-260VRecommended room meter Installation:Red wire is Live, Blue wire is NeturalApplication: Perfect for living room, bedroom, dinning room or bathroom.

Lightess Bathroom Light Fixtures LED Vanity Mirror Crystal Wall Sconces Lighting 12W Cool White

Free Cover Bezel to fit the America electrial box available, please check the product promotion below to add both to cart then get the free cover.  Mirror Light in Cold White.  14 Lumen each (39pcs 5050SMD). Safety to use in bathroom with splash proof driver.Energysaving, low power consumption. Stainless steel body with plating surface, durable and shining all the time.Bathroom vanity light is as a gift for you. It's quite beautiful to decor with the mirror lamp together.